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Historical price from Nov 01, 2024 to Dec 04, 2024

Date Open High Low Close Volume Value (Baht)
Previous 2 weeks
(07/11/2024 to 20/11/2024)
42.00 43.50 39.75 42.50 66,399,156 2,734,890,525
Previous 4 weeks
(08/10/2024 to 06/11/2024)
46.50 49.25 41.50 42.25 167,479,714 7,622,247,800
Daily Historical Data
04/12/2024 44.75 44.75 44.00 44.50 4,318,532 179,815,375
03/12/2024 44.25 44.75 44.00 44.50 4,172,883 185,319,650
02/12/2024 43.50 44.50 43.00 44.25 5,103,537 224,801,650
29/11/2024 43.25 43.75 42.75 43.50 4,467,601 193,223,300
28/11/2024 42.75 43.50 42.50 43.25 3,497,936 150,402,525
27/11/2024 43.75 43.75 41.75 42.75 8,540,285 364,214,025
26/11/2024 44.25 44.50 43.50 43.75 6,753,356 292,622,150
25/11/2024 44.00 44.50 43.50 44.00 6,074,736 267,762,950
22/11/2024 42.75 44.00 42.50 43.50 7,266,821 314,657,675
21/11/2024 42.75 43.00 42.00 42.75 7,607,755 321,784,150
20/11/2024 41.75 43.50 41.75 42.50 8,687,346 370,494,850
19/11/2024 41.00 42.25 40.75 41.50 5,662,106 236,348,525
18/11/2024 41.00 41.25 40.50 41.00 2,400,737 98,226,400
15/11/2024 41.25 41.50 39.75 40.75 7,368,143 298,468,425
14/11/2024 41.00 41.75 40.50 41.00 5,767,065 237,263,950
13/11/2024 40.75 41.50 40.50 41.25 4,666,924 187,966,025
12/11/2024 41.00 41.75 40.50 40.75 6,810,166 279,880,225
11/11/2024 41.25 41.75 40.75 41.25 6,641,187 273,463,000
08/11/2024 41.00 41.75 41.00 41.00 7,116,271 293,859,450
07/11/2024 42.00 42.25 40.00 40.25 11,279,211 458,919,675
06/11/2024 43.00 44.00 42.00 42.25 7,504,016 320,913,675
05/11/2024 42.75 43.25 42.50 43.00 2,444,822 104,945,575
04/11/2024 42.50 43.50 42.25 43.00 5,807,056 246,439,250
01/11/2024 42.25 43.25 42.00 42.25 9,539,609 405,990,150

Remark : Volume from SET main board.